Q: Can I work VHF+ stations on different modes or frequencies for additional points?
A: VHF stations can only be worked once unless they are a rover (mobile) station where you can work them once per county.
Q: I will be in Lyon County but the repeater is in Storey County, what should I use for the exchange?
A: Since you are physically in Lyon County, you would use NVLYO in your exchange.
Q: I will be operating on a county line, what exchange do I use?
A: If you are within 500' of the county line, you can give the exchange like 59 NVEUR/NVLAN or 59 NVEUR SLASH LAN. There are 54 different countyline combinations here in Nevada.
Q: Can I work a HF station on both PSK31 and RTTY on the same band for digital credit?
A: Phone, CW and a Digital mode with the same station on the same band will be considered separate contacts. A PSK and a RTTY on the same band would be considered a dupe...Log it anyway as there are no penalties for dupes (see below).
Q: What about Dupes (Duplicate Contacts)?
A: There is no penalty for logging dupes. The other station may not have you in the log or you may have failed to log them, so go ahead and log the contact again. You will avoid the dreaded “NIL” by logging the dupe (Not In Log)
Q: What is the maximum number of times I can work another station?
A: You could actually work the same station 19 times during the contest, and even more if either of you are a rover station. You can work them using Phone, CW, and Digital on 160m, Phone, CW, and Digital on 80m, and so on, and once on VHF+. This would net you 49 QSO points.
Q: Can I use a DMR radio on VHF/UHF?
A: Yes. You can also use a repeater connected to IRLP or D-Star or linked to other repeaters. Be mindful of other users and do not disturb net operations.
Q: The other station is on a county line and gave me 2 counties, how do I log it?
A: If they said something like “59 NVWAS slash NVCAR” you would put the 59 in the signal report and “NVWAS/NVCAR” in the location. Some logging software will not allow the combined counties exchange. N1MM+ will automatically separate the different counties and log them as different QSOs.
Q: I am primarily going to be running a VHF station, but I do make a few HF contacts for the contest, does that mean that I have to use the MIXED class to enter?
A: The Category that you enter will determine what will be your score and who you will be competing with. If you entered as VHF+, then those HF contacts would not be part of your score, but they could be the difference in the other station's score that lets them place higher. Log all contacts and make sure you have the correct band and mode listed in the log.
Q: Repeaters??? No one uses no stinkin' repeaters in a contest...what's up????
A: We saw this as a way to get new people who only had a handheld or FM mobile to get started in the fun of radiosport. Every county in Nevada has some repeater coverage, and most mountaintops or other high spots will allow hitting dozens of repeaters. Some of these systems are linked, some have IP links to out-of-state repeater systems and even some world wide coverage. The VHF participants will probably have the best shot at getting all of the counties in the state, and VHF using rovers can make it to every county in the state over the weekend... We are lumping all the VHF/UHF frequencies and modes into one allowable contact per fixed station—Rovers can be worked and work the same station if they change counties. Part of this is needed due to some repeater systems having VHF and UHF ports which would have scoring implications... Those with license or equipment restrictions that won't let them get up on the HF bands now will be able to enter a fun contest.
Q: Are Satellite contacts allowed?
A: Yes, and this is a good way for the VHF+ contesters to pick up some states and countries. Please let others also use the birds. There are a number of satellites out there to use. Also, moonbounce contacts are allowed and you will find that Nevada is high on a lot of operator's wanted list. (if you do make moonbounce contacts, please list them in your soapbox!)
Q: Will all of the counties be activated?
A: Good question... We have a sign-up sheet on the website that will have confirmed operations in the counties. If you are going to work from a location, please sign up. We will try to get adventurous folks who like to travel to go to some of the remote areas and either be a rover or set up an operation. Several operations per county with all modes covered will be ideal. Don't worry about others in the county, most of our counties are bigger that a whole bunch of states…
Q: I will be working as a Single Operator, can I use different radios for different frequencies?
A: Yes, if you are transmitting on only one at a time. You will probably have a HF rig and a dual band FM rig for VHF/UHF.
Q: I will be logging on paper, but you don't allow paper logs, what can I do?
A: You can go to http://www.b4h.net/cabforms/nvqp_cab3.php and transfer these paper logs to a Cabrillo computer file to enter at https://nvqp.contesting.com/nvqpsubmitlog.php
Q: Where can I get logging software for this contest?
A: You can get the N1MM software for free at http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php?page=Full+Install Be sure to get the latest version on Wednesday or Thursday before the contest!!! This software is the only one that is certified at this time to work correctly on this contest. Be sure to use the 'QSO PARTY' overlay and the “NV” type for your main logger. Older versions of this and other software may cause problems and may not be able to be scored at all. Using the wrong contest overlay may not log the exchange properly, and those logs will be relegated to being checklogs only.
Q: Do Nevada stations get additional multipliers for working the same county, section or DX on different Bands?
A: Yes!!! You can get a county, section, or DX multiplier for every HF band, and one for the VHF+ bands. That will let you get up to 122 multipliers on each band (17 counties + 84 sections + 20 DX) for Nevada Stations (732 grand total), and 51 multipliers per band for Out-of State stations (272 grand total).
Q: How do I log the time of the contacts in the contest.
A: You must use UTC for your time. Virtually all logging programs will automatically use UTC, but if you are paper logging, you will need a clock set to UTC to record the time in your log.
Q: Why are you using SECTIONS instead of States?
A: California, Texas, Florida and several other states are broken up into multiple sections, and as a result, CA, TX and FL and the others will return an error if you try to log them, and if you force logging, they will not be counted as a valid contact. Besides, that makes more multipliers! Pennsylvania is also using sections that same weekend.
Q: Why do you want the Cabrillo logs to use their default file name like “w6zkp.log” rather that something like “My_NVQSO_Log_2020.txt?
A: Last year, the sponsors of this contest had to hand edit about 25% of the file names back to the standard so they could be inputted into the scoring program. They are thinking about assessing a 10 QSO penalty for having to hand editing logs.
Q: Why are you pushing the use of the N1MM+ logging program?
A: So far they have the only software that works correctly with our contest and they were very responsive to our needs. Other software out there may not properly capture exchanges which will cause your log to be marked as a 'checklog' and will not be scored. Besides, it is absolutely FREE and easy to use. Be sure to get the free update a couple of days before any supported contest — it just takes a minute or so and will have all the last minute additions.
Q: Why are you mandating that RUNNING stations (those calling CQ) give their callsign every time they make a contact?
A: Besides the FCC rules that tell you to give your call at the end of each contact, most of the hams out there will be doing 'search and pounce' are tuning through the bands to find us. Sitting there listening to someone making a half dozen or more contacts before they give their callsign and then realizing that they are already in your log is one of the great frustrations with contesting…
Q: Why do expedition and rovers need to send an email showing GPS coordinates and photos of the locations?
A: In the past there have been some multi county operations that were not in a county or within 500’ of a county line location. For example, the Eureka/Elko/White Pine corner is located about 4000’ away and 625’ above the road through Railroad Pass. There are a number of these corners that are nowhere near a road or located on private property or other restricted locations. It isn’t fair to those who play by the rules to let this happen.
Q: Can’t we just give the 3 letter county abbreviation and ignore the “NV”?
A: There are 3 additional State QSO parties the same weekend, and there are counties in some of them that have the same 3 letter abbreviation. We are using the same exchange that we use in the 7QP and making sure that they are contacting the Great State of Nevada!!!
Q: Why isn’t this contest only 8 hours or so?
A: The timing was set up to allow 2 periods of daylight and 2 periods of nighttime which have different propagation characteristics. With the solar conditions we have been having this year, a radio blackout could wipe out a day of operations, and having a second day provides a better chance of making contacts. So far this year, there have been several of the 48 hour major contests that have had a day of poor propagation.